Author Archives: SOS_Admin

Residue Testing: A Critical Fraud Prevention Tool

In our line of business, we often address inquiries about preventing organic fraud effectively. Our response, first and in all cases, is to point to a robust fraud prevention strategy that focuses on reducing fraud opportunities and elevating the risk of getting caught. This approach involves implementing various mitigation measures and monitoring tools tailored to […]

 Expert Interview: Mike Dill, Director of Advocacy and Sustainability at Organically Grown Company

Hi Mike! It’s Gwendolyn Wyard here with SOS. Thanks for meeting up with me to answer a few questions about the past, present, and future of organic agriculture. I see you brought a friend with you as well! Hey there little round organic friend?! Well, let’s jump in with some introductions. Q: Mike, tell me […]

How Risk-Based Certification Supports Fraud Prevention

Have you ever reviewed a sentence with misspellings or words missing but found yourself reading the sentence clearly? It’s as though your brain isn’t taking in the gaps or mistakes– you’re anticipating outcomes, drawing conclusions based on what you expect.  Yuo cna porbalby raed tihs esaliy desptie teh msispeillgns. Certification activities, monitoring, and compliance processes […]